Here are 5 Ways To Give Children Age-Appropriate Chore Lists
I fully believe that kids deserve to be given the right to carry some responsibility. Being given responsibilities will teach them SO many life lessons that you just can’t teach them any other way.
Think about it, if we as their parents don’t train them from a young age to have a solid work ethic, who will? We shouldn’t be ashamed of teaching our children good habits, and organizational skills. Again, I guess for me, it is just having a strong work ethic.
Teaching our children how to help around the house with chores is one of the MOST important things in their education. It is part of training them to be successful adults. It is giving them an education in life skills that they truly can only learn at home.
I can’t tell you how many men and women I have met who have told me they were never trained to do certain basic things for themselves in their home because their mom or parents just did it all for them…
The honest feedback? They all wished their parents would have taught them those skills and allowed them to help more in the home.
Here’s The Good News: I Am Here To Give You My Best 5 Ways To Give Children Age Appropriate Chore Lists
So, without further ado…
#1 Start From A Young Age
When I am putting chore lists together, I really try to consider the child’s age. 6-year-olds in my opinion and experience is the age where I am willing to let them be a little more independent with household chores.
In my house, you get to start washing dishes at 6 years old (with the supervision of course.)
My current 6-year-old was counting down the days to her birthday because I told her I would start teaching her how to wash the dishes only when she turned six.
Let Them Start Young, It Pays Off In The Long Run
All of my kids at 18 months, just loved to be a part of whatever I was doing. So they would have a rag in hand to help with anything I was working on. They wanted to be right next to mama anyway. So why not join me in my cleaning activities?
The “great job on that” encouragement just made their little hearts swell with pride.
Younger children LOVE to help and just like with anything else, if you allow their natural curiosity to lead them to try new things carefully, you will find more often than not your kids really DO want to help and at that do a great job in time.
When they are older kids they have been your cleaning buddy for SO long that it just flows… And that is when you really see how all the times they tried to help make cleaning “easier” it paid off.
#2 Be Okay With Things Getting Messy
- Having little short people help is messier no questions
- Everything does take a little longer
- Just remember this is an important part of your child’s development and you get the honor of teaching it.
- It helps you get more done after they are trained to handle age-appropriate tasks.
Many times I would think of the simple tasks that could be done on my chore list and would make a big deal out of them helping me. I always love watching how it gives the children such a sense of accomplishment!
Children are precious and amazing, and they are capable of so much more than many give them credit for!!!
#3 Have Them Work To Together
So, after spending all that time with my littles let’s talk about the older children.
As I said time and again it pays off, I promise you! All those messy toddler days, where yes it would have been easier if you just did it yourself and put them on for screen time.
The meal you just made with them would have been faster with fewer dishes… However, would you have seen the look of pride and accomplishment your child felt after working alongside you, their little failures and all?
Would you have created that memory with them of working alongside you, watching how patient you are with them?
My older children now, are they perfect? No! However, they are SO helpful in almost every area of our home.
Because we have 6 children we have teams. Three children are assigned to each team.
The older siblings are super helpful with working alongside the younger sibling. They help give tasks to the younger kids, and it is so very helpful.
We also rotate a list of regular chores daily, then we have weekly chores. And from an early age, my kids love jumping in and helping, it truly makes them feel like part of the family!
Again, in the early years, it is definitely more about them mimicking you, they don’t accomplish much at all. Again though, we are teaching important skills on a daily basis.
#4 Be More Of A Manager So That You Could Assist In Every Part Of Daily Chores
When you only have young children, household tasks get done easier when we just do everything together. You are teaching them to work alongside you and this is where they will learn the most.
Always remember, as imperfectly as it is, your younger kids, will be able to watch everything you do and mimic it from a very young age. And let me tell you, in the long run, I promise you it will pay off greatly in the future!
There is nothing like the sense of responsibility and empowerment each child will feel from you teaching them that, as a family member, the part they play in helping keep the house running is vital.
I have found that, if I have all the household chores in hand, it is far better for me to oversee and help where it’s needed. If someone’s tasks look a little more overwhelming, just overseeing allows me to step in where the most need is.
At the bottom of this blog post, I will give a list of chores for different ages, at least that I have found that works well in our family. Before that though, I feel like #5 may be the most important of all the tips I have shared and that is this…
#5 Have Dance Parties
Yes, have dance parties! That is not it though, I am a firm believer in thinking of meaningful ways to celebrate completing specific tasks that might be a little more extra than the normal daily chores.
I will also feel out the mood of that day and if the everyday simple chores are feeling overwhelming, I will think of something quick to give a little extra something to look forward to…
We have done, dance parties, maybe a cookie, a movie, chocolate chips, a picnic, anything that will give them a bounce in their step as they finish their tasks.
As you watch what makes your child tic, that in and of itself will give you all sorts of great ideas to help give them something to look forward to after finishing their work up. This makes a big difference when they are just having one of those days. It helps them take a deep breath and look forward even more to their free time.
And let’s be honest, we all run into those days where we just need a little extra push to complete the daily chore chart.
I have created an Age-Appropriate Chore Lists Printable
If you haven’t already subscribed go do that!
You will get this free printable and all other FREE resources that offers, both old and new!
As always, I hope this was helpful as you raise your people.
You can scan the list below to get an idea of where I start my kids.
18 months-3 years
- Pick up toys
- Throw out garbage
- Put clothes in the hamper
- Help wipe chairs down
- Help wipe cabinets down
- Help fold dishcloths
- Be mommy’s little helper
4-5 years old
- All previous chores
- Help sweep
- Help set the table
- Put silverware away
- Help empty small trash cans
- Learn to crack eggs
- Learn to fold their laundry
- Organize shoes
- Learn to make the bed
- Learn to make lunch with mom
- Learn to make butter
6-8 years old
- All previous chores
- Learn to hand wash smaller dishes
- Help load dishwasher
- Learn how to run a load of laundry
- Learn to wipe shorter appliances down
- Learn to make eggs, baked goods, and easy meals with mom
- Keep drawers organized
- Learn to vacuum
- Wipe base trim down
9-13 years old
- All previous chores
- Take a turn making a meal
- Learn to make bread
- Learn to make cheese
- Take care of laundry
- Learn to trim grass
- Help weed gardens
- Help dad chop firewood
- Wash car down
- Clean car out
- Wash Windows
- Mop floors
- Help do small repair projects around the house
- Take out garbage and take it to the road
Of course, each child will vary in what they are capable of. Some could do more and some need less, only you as a parent can know that.
Just remember, when in doubt if a day is feeling pretty rough, just work together on each chore with happy music going, it really helps and is a great way to reset!
Chores will not always be easy… However, we could find more encouraging ways to do them when they make us feel grumpy.
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