In this article, we are going to talk about the Top 21 Health Benefits Of Eating Grass-Fed Beef. Beef holds SO many essential nutrients and is one of the most consumed meats in America today.
If you have never delved into the benefits behind your beef meat intake… You will be glad to know it has many important nutrients that your body craves and needs.

There are also SO many beef meat products derived from this powerhouse food, that are also extremely beneficial to human health.
As always, do your own thorough research before making any health choices. Now let’s get into the 21
#1 Protein
“Beef is High in Protein and Helps Improve Muscle MassProtein is the building block our body uses to repair and make bone, skin, and cartilage. Sufficient protein helps us to build and maintain lean muscle mass. Out of all macronutrients, protein is the most satiating, and it discourages food cravings.” Read the full article here: 11 Health Benefits Of Eating Beef
Fun Fact – There are 22 grams of protein in 3oz of 85% lean ground beef.
#2 Iron
“One serving of ground beef contains 15% of the DV for iron and is one of the most easily accessible sources of heme iron. It’s also rich in B vitamins, zinc, selenium, and high quality protein.” Read the full article here: 12 Healthy Foods That Are High In Iron
#3 B Vitamins
Beef is a powerhouse of B Vitamins that cannot be ignored…
“Beef. Cooked beef is especially high in B12, providing approximately 4 micrograms in a six-ounce serving (around 190 percent of the DV). Besides that, it has around 75 percent of the DV for B2, 80 percent of the DV for B3, close to 50 percent of the DV for B6 and 25 percent of the DV for B5.” Read the full article here: These 12 Healthy Foods Are Exceptionally High in Vitamin B
#4 Vitamin A
“Beef liverAnimal livers are among the richest sources of vitamin A. This is because , like humans, animals store vitamin A in the liver. A 3-ounce (oz) serving of pan fried beef liver contains 6,582 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A, which equates to 731% of the daily value (DV).” Read the full article here: Which Foods Are Rich In Vitamin A?
#5 Essential Amino Acids
“Meat — such as beef — is mainly composed of protein. The protein content of lean, cooked beef is about 26–27% ( 2 ). Animal protein is usually of high quality, containing all nine essential amino acids needed for the growth and maintenance of your body ( 3 ).” Read the full article here: Beef 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects
#6 Immune System
“Beef is a good source of zinc, which the body needs to heal damaged tissue and support a healthy immune system. Children and adolescents also need healthy amounts of zinc to make sure they thrive and grow.” Read the full article here: Beef: Health Benefits, Nutrition, and How to Prepare It
#7 Cardiovascular Diseases
“Grass-fed meat has a healthier profile of omega-3 to omega-6 ratios, according to Mayo Clinic. Omega-3 to omega-6 ratios have been well-documented to show a link to a lower risk of heart disease, per a July 2021 study in Nutrients.”
“Whether the animal is fed grass or grain, the omega-6 fatty acid composition stays about the same. However, it is the omega-3 fatty acids — the heart-healthy kind — that increase on a grass-fed diet, per the March 2010 Nutrition Journal study.”
“Looking at grass-fed versus grain-fed beef through an integrative cardiologist’s lens, there are quite a few differences,” says Director of Integrative and Functional Cardiology Trent Orfanos, MD, ABIHM. “I’d recommend grass-fed beef primarily because grass-fed meat has a better ratio of omega-6 fats to omega-three fats. Omega-6 fats can increase inflammation, while omega-3 fats are healthier to consume and reduce inflammation. While grass- and grain-fed beef contain roughly the same amount of omega-6, grass-fed beef contains up to five times the amount of omega-3 fats,” Dr. Orfanos tells us.” Read the full article here: The Only Type of Red Meat Heart Health Experts Cook at Home
#8 Blood Pressure
“Contrary to conventional wisdom, a growing body of evidence shows that eating lean beef can reduce risk factors for heart disease, according to recent research by nutritional scientists.
“This research adds to the significant evidence, including work previously done in our lab, that supports lean beef’s role in a heart-healthy diet,” said Penny M. Kris-Etherton, Distinguished Professor of Nutrition, Penn State. “This study shows that nutrient-rich lean beef can be included as part of a heart-healthy diet that reduces blood pressure, which can help lower the risk for cardiovascular disease.” Read the full article here: Eating lean beef daily can help lower blood pressure
#9 Essential Fatty Acids
“Studies have found that grass-fed beef contains two to six times more omega-3 fatty acids than feed-lot beef. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help prevent and treat many diseases. They include heart disease, stroke, autoimmune diseases such as lupus, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and others.” Read the full article here: Grass-Fed Beef and Grain-Fed Beef: Is It Good for You?
#10 Weight Loss
“The protein in meat can help with weight loss as well as building and maintaining muscle mass, according to Valdez. One grilled 121-gram tenderloin steak (about 4 ounces), for example, contains 255 calories, 37 grams of protein, 11 grams of fat and 0 grams of carbs, per the USDA. That’s one heck of a protein punch.” What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Red Meat Every Day
#11 Metabolism Support
“Steak kickstarts your metabolismIt offers them long-term energy and keeps hunger at bay for several hours. Its high protein content builds muscles and assists with muscle repair. Protein is tough for the body to break down, requiring it to burn more calories in doing so. So what’s the bottom line? Eating more protein can help boost your metabolism because it creates a higher ‘thermic effect’ – This means your body will have to work harder to digest, process, and store it.” Read the full article here: MEAT & METABOLISM
#12 Can Help Strengthen Muscles
“It’s exceptionally rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, it may improve muscle growth and maintenance, as well as exercise performance. As a rich source of iron, it may also cut your risk of anemia.” Read the full article here: Beef 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects
#13 Zinc
Grass-fed beef is a great source of zinc.
“The grass-fed steak has 7.7 mg of zinc, or 51 percent of the daily value. It has 4 mg of iron, or 22 percent of the daily value, and 49 mg of magnesium, or 12 percent of the daily value.” Read the full article here: THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF GRASS FED BEEF
#14 Potassium
Looking to get more potassium in your diet?
“Fortunately, grass-fed meat has ample amounts of all three essential electrolytes. One grass-fed strip steak contains 732 milligrams of potassium, 49 milligrams of magnesium, and 118 milligrams of sodium.” Read the full article here: The 7 health benefits of grass fed beef
#15 Phosphorous
“Grass-fed ground beef is also a rich source of B vitamins (B12, niacin, and riboflavin), zinc, selenium, iron, and phosphorus.” Read the full article here: Grass-Fed Ground Beef: Nutritional Facts & How to Cook
#16 Selenium
“Selenium (Se) is an essential nutrient with multiple human health benefits; the single most important dietary source of Se is beef. The Se content of beef varies, and cattle fed a high selenium diet may have Se concentrations in beef that are well above average. Such beef is potentially a unique supplemental source of dietary Se.” Read the full article here: Selenium accumulation in beef: effect of dietary selenium and geographical area of animal origin
#17 Magnesium
“The three main electrolytes are sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Fortunately, grass-fed meat has ample amounts of all three essential electrolytes. One grass-fed strip steak contains 732 milligrams of potassium, 49 milligrams of magnesium, and 118 milligrams of sodium.” Read the full article here: The 7 health benefits of grass fed beef
#18 Can Prevent Anima
“In addition to adding iron to the body and preventing anemia, eating beef also offers the following health benefits: Strengthens the immune system: Beef is a good source of nutrients. Rich in zinc, which helps the body heal damaged tissues and supports a healthy immune system.” Read the full article here: If you are anemic, should you eat beef?
#19 Healthy Fat
Studies have found that grass-fed beef contains two to six times more omega-3 fatty acids than feed-lot beef. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help prevent and treat many diseases. They include heart disease, stroke, autoimmune diseases such as lupus, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and others. Read the full article here: Grass-Fed Beef and Grain-Fed Beef: Is It Good for You?
#20 Beef Liver
“Because of its high amounts of vitamins, the b vitamins, the copper, the iron. and many other essential vitamins… This makes beef liver one of the most nutrient-dense foods…
Adding a good grass-fed beef liver can help with your overall health and boost your energy levels in a way not many foods can.” Read the full article here: 19 BENEFITS FOR WHY YOU SHOULD EAT BEEF LIVER
#21 Easy To Incorporate
Grass fed beef is easy to incorporate. You can grab some steaks, coat them with olive oil, salt, and pepper and it makes an AMAZING-tasting steak. You can use ground beef and use it in all your favorite dishes that require beef.
Beef consumption has SO many benefits and has significant amounts of nutrients that our bodies crave SO much for health.
Can you get the same nutrients out of plant foods? Sure! However, it takes a whole lot more to do so, beef is just hard to replace when it comes to its beneficial effects. As you can see, strong evidence supports that red meat consumption is SO important for the human body
What kind of meat to avoid…
As many processed meats as you can possibly avoid, the better. If you want good health, most processed meat is not going to be your friend. The high intake of processed meat products will cause a great risk factor to your health.
Why Red Meat?
Consumption of red meat can play an important role in your overall health. Iron deficiency anemia is a big problem in the United States, and can easily helped by consuming beef. There are SO many who have mental health issues, and more often than not our food choices play a significant role in our mental state.
If you are ever stuck in a cycle of terrible health… Try getting a professional to check your hormones and to see if you have any nutrient imbalances. You will probably have to go specifically to a health doctor for this. Many don’t realize how affected their health is by the current food system.
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