Let’s talk about the “19 Benefits For Why You Should Eat Beef Liver”
Once you see the benefits of beef liver, you can’t unsee them!
So without further ado…

#1 Zinc Supports The Immune System.
The body needs zinc to help support a healthier immune system. Beef liver is can help with age-related macular degeneration and neurological disorders. One serving size of beef liver has 38% of the RDA of zinc for men and 53% of the RDA of zinc for women.
#2 Iron
Iron is essential for proper hemoglobin production. Some organ meats are extremely nutritious, but the beef liver is the one I lean towards most, the essential nutrients found in beef liver are incredible!
Beef liver is one of the best heme foods for correcting anemia. Every serving of 3.5 oz serving of beef liver has 6.5 mg of iron, which is 36% of the daily value recommended.
#3 Phosphorus aids bone and tooth health.
The main benefit of phosphorus is it strengthens bones and teeth. Beef liver and bone broth are one of the best ways to get the nutrients your bones and teeth need to heal and thrive.
Phosphorus also plays a huge role in how our body processes healthy fats and carbohydrates. It also aids the body in protein growth and maintaining and repairing cells and tissue.
#4 Selenium Plays An Important Role In Metabolism.
- Selenium is a powerful antioxidant
- It can reduce the risk of certain cancers
- Can protect against heart disease
- Can help support mental health
- Supports thyroid health
- Can boost your immune symptom
- Can help reduce asthma symptoms
Selenium also supports a healthy metabolism
You could read more on the “7 Science-Based Health Benefits Of Selenium” here.
#5 Copper Is Vital For Energy Production
“Beef liver contains the most amount of copper per serving of any food. Whether braised or fried, a 4-ounce serving contains 16,070 micrograms, more than 18 times your daily value. It’s such a rich copper source that sources advise eating it only once weekly to avoid possible toxicity symptoms.”
#6 Potassium ” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener nofollow”>”8 Foods High In Copper”
#6 Potassium
Potassium is one of the most important minerals in the body. It helps regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals.”
“What Is Potassium Good For? A Detailed Review”
Beef Liver is a highly nutritious minerals-rich food, packed with proteins and vitamins. It’s a rich source of potassium, an important mineral to maintain the normal physiological function of the body,
#7 B12 And Iron Can Reduces Anemia
“A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of lamb liver provides an incredible 3,571% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin B12 ( 1 ). While lamb liver is generally higher in vitamin B12 than beef or veal liver, the latter two may still contain about 3,000% of the DV per 3.5 ounces (100 grams) ( 2, 3 ).”
“Top 12 Foods That Are High In Vitamin B12”
#8 Promotes Energy
Because of its high amounts of vitamins, the b vitamins, the copper, the iron. and many other essential vitamins… This makes beef liver one of the most nutrient-dense foods…
Adding a good grass-fed beef liver can help with your overall health and boost your energy levels in a way not many foods can.
#9 Glowing Skin
Yes, beef liver benefits just keep coming!
Beef live contains retinol which is the active ingredient in vitamin A. Vitamin A is known to promote skin health. Who doesn’t love healthier glowing skin?
#10 Can Support Fertility Health
“One serving of beef liver contains a significant source of vitamin A, vitamin B12, B-vitamins, and selenium. Most importantly, liver comprises of choline to reduce the risk of congenital disabilities, zinc for semen health, and coenzyme Q10 to boost egg quality and sperm motility.”
Read more here! “Top 5 Foods To Boost Fertility”
Liver Is A Great Food for Fertility and During Pregnancy
You can read more of Dr. Axe’s research here… “Is Liver Good For You? Here Are 9 Benefits”
“Liver is practically the perfect food for pregnancy, providing protein, iron, folate, choline and other key nutrients for reproductive health and fetal development.
Pregnant women, or women who are nursing, need even more B12 than normal to help with growth and development of their babies, including the brain and organs. Folate is also especially important during pregnancy because it helps prevent birth defects and abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord.
Pregnant women are at higher risk of iron deficiency due to the increase of iron demand, making iron-rich foods essential since iron plays a role in the transfer of oxygen to tissues, including the placenta. Liver and other grass-fed organ meats are also a good source of protein during pregnancy. Pregnant women should aim to eat at least three servings, or 75 grams, of protein per day.
Liver also provides activated vitamin A for pregnant women that helps with reducing oxidative stress, as well as choline that supports fetal brain development. The USDA recommends getting no more than 10,000 IU of preformed vitamin A from supplements and foods combined, meaning it’s best to consume liver in small amounts only several times weekly.”
Beef liver is all around, just a great way to get so many of the vital nutrients an expectant or nursing mother needs.

# 12 Strong Bones
The nutritional benefits of the beef liver are super powerful and supportive to the bones, due to the phosphorous in it! As said above it supports the repair of tissues and cell growth.
#13 Heart Health
“Liver also contains folic acid, iron, chromium, copper, and zinc and is known to be particularly good for the heart and for increasing hemoglobin level in the blood.”
“What To Know About Beef Liver”
#14 It’s High In Antioxidants
Beef liver has a high amount of the antioxidant of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10 which is known to treat and prevent, diseases, especially heart health.
#15 Supports Brain Health And Brain Function
“Liver is the most concentrated source of retinol (preformed vitamin A) found in nature. All of the B vitamins, including choline, B12 and folate, which support methylation, a biochemical process that is very important for robust and vibrant brain and mental health.”
“3 Foods That Make Your Brain Remarkably Better”
#16 Can Support Your Hormones And Moods
“Vitamin A is also crucial for the production of the youth-associated hormones, namely Pregnenolone , Progesterone and DHEA. Three key substances are required for the production of these hormones, and they are: T3 (active thyroid hormone), Cholesterol, and Vitamin A. If any of these are lacking, we cannot produce these protective, anti-stress hormones, and instead resort to a stressed metabolism where the opposing hormones dominate, estrogen in particular. Estrogen in excess in turn blocks thyroid production so active T3 decreases, further impeding the production of pregnenolone … it’s a vicious cycle. “
“Liver, the secret to great skin and balanced hormones”
#17 Can Help Strengthen Muscles
Because beef liver is such a high quality protein, it is known to support the muscles in a powerful way.
#18 Protein Packed
Beef liver is a high-quality protein!
A single serving of beef liver provides 23g of protein. That’s AMAZING! If you are a pregnant mama, you know how hard it is to get all the protein in that you need.
That along with the already amazing nutritional value of beef liver. Beef liver is such an easy way to get that much-needed protein in.
#19 Can Support Better Eye Health
Here again we see that Vitamin A and Zinc in beef liver, stepping up for healthier eyesight!
“Vitamin A helps to form an effective barrier to bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of eye infections. It’s also essential for maintaining photoreceptors. These are special cells in the eye’s retina that convert light into signals sent to the brain.”
“What Should I Eat To Protect My Eye Health”
Can You Eat Beef Liver Raw?
If I am completely honest, I have NEVER eaten raw liver, I just can’t bring myself to, as of now anyway…
Beef liver supplements are a great option however if you could get your hands on fresh… Fresh grass-fed is always the best way to go to get as many amazing health benefits as you possibly can
I truly enjoy liver when it is cooked the right way…
However, I have many friends that have had great results with eating it raw. I will link a video here that can assist you in the preparation if you don’t mind eating raw beef liver.
“How To Dehydrate Beef Liver Capsules”
Another easy way to get beef liver into your food is by grinding it up and just putting it in your ground beef… No one can tell the difference, and you can get SO much beef liver into your family’s diet that way!
What Kind Of Beef Liver Is Best To Buy?
The best kind of liver to buy is grass-fed organic beef liver.
Buying from someone local that at the very least has organic practices is the absolute best. This allows you to really know where your beef liver is being sourced and how it is being taken care of.
The health of the aniaml, how it’s treated, how it is fed and nurtured, that could make a big differnece and the healthiness of your beef liver.
Even better, you are supporting someone right in your community!
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“Health Bone Benefits Of Bone Broth”
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